Doctor Pla went down to see Jasmine's grandmother already. The front door of the house, looking at Grandma, Mali, was at the bed, the front of the fish, so shook his head and shook his head. Arrived here, nausea, vomiting, tears all flowed, to the point that the team had to turn off the fan and ask about the story from Grandma Mali's daughter and Dr. Pla said that Grandma Mali's spirit is no longer in this world. It is the spirit of the Samphi or the animal for the father of Grandma Jasmine who had chased the item instead and then finding why it happened. Why did it be like this? No one came to pick up the tightening subject. The grandmother's daughter came to work. Not accepted. She didn't ask for work after her. Do not ask to inherit this subject. Grandfather is dead because of Mae Kwan, right? You know, it's okay. Doctor Pla accepts it himself. Doctor Pla will accept the answer from Grandma and see for himself. Then he will destroy the subject, but there are conditions. Doctor Pla accepts it.เกมมือถือ/brand/pg